The 2A Project Promoting Constitutional Carry

Posted 5 years ago — Ooley Law Blog

Guy Relford has organized a group called “The 2A Project.” The goal of this group is to promote our right of self-defense, as bestowed by God and as protected against government infringement by the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution and Article I, Section 32 of the Indiana Constitution. The group opposes any limitation or restriction placed on law-abiding citizens to protect themselves, their families, and their fellow citizens with the tools of their choosing. As part of this effort, The 2A Project is also committed to promoting Constitutional Carry in Indiana, and The 2A Project recently had this to say on Facebook:

One of the primary barriers to getting Constitutional Carry passed in Indiana has been stiff opposition from law enforcement, including the Indiana Sheriffs Association and the Indiana Chief of Police Association. Both associations have said the majority of their members oppose ConCarry – and that has had a huge impact on legislators.

We don’t buy it – in talking to several different sheriffs across the state, it appears that at least the ISA’s position was formulated after a very brief conference call – or an exchange of emails – with not all county sheriffs participating.

No more hiding behind “associations.” T2AP is going straight to the source. We are sending this survey to EVERY county sheriff and chief of police in Indiana. Once responses are in, we’ll know exactly which sheriffs and chiefs of police oppose ConCarry – and which support it – and we’ll let the citizens in their jurisdictions know exactly how they feel. Police chiefs may not care – they aren’t elected. But sheriffs sure are – and we think the voters in their counties will definitely care if their sheriffs support or oppose the Constitutional rights of their constituents.

#JointheFight at

We agree that one of the main barriers to Constitutional Carry has been law enforcement, and we believe The 2A Project is taking action to encourage law enforcement officers to take a stand for the Constitution. The survey The 2A Project mentions is below:


2A Project Constitutional Carry Survey